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Contact the ASMB at 

to post YOUR BEEKEEPING ITEMS here in our Classified section

Pollen For Sale

From: Greg Carey Feb . 2024

Fresh frozen pollen for $20 per pound. Pick up at my place.  Call (301) 997-8512 or email

Nucs For Sale

From: Chip Whipkey Feb. 2023

Natures Hand Apiary operated by Chip Whipkey will be selling VSH Carnolian queens again this year.  The queens are $35 and will be available starting in late April to early May. 

please reach out via e-mail to

Nucs For Sale

From: Diane Wellon of Deez L'town Beez Feb. 2024

Southern Maryland Overwintered Nucleus Colonies

5 Frames packed with bees, brood, and a proven queen plus food resources.  $200

Pre-ordering is available, contact Diane @

 Minimum of 1/2 per colony due to reserve your nuc or visit

Delivery is available upon request. (75.00 plus mileage for delivery and install assistance with inspection tutorial please visit website for purchase and service and scheduling)

Nucs For Sale  Greg Carey 301-997-8512

5 Frame NUC picked up in your equipment $190 or pick up in a cardboard nuc box for $200

Equipment For Sale

From: Greg Carey Jan. 2024

Bucket Syrup Feeders for $5/$10.  The feeders come in 1-gallon or 2-gallon sizes.  You can fit one 2-gallon and one 1-gallon bucket in a deep hive body. They come with metal screens in the opening which can be heated with a heat gun to remove propolis.  Pick up at my place.  Call (301) 997-8512 or email

Equipment For Sale

From: Chip Whipkey @ Wild Birds Unlimited~~ Mann Lake Equipment 


Swarm Removal in Open Air

Equipment For Sale


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Equipment For Sale

From: Greg Carey Jan. 2023

Pollen Substitute Feeders for $20.  The feeders are rain resistant and come with an initial charge of Bee Pro, so you can get started right away while you are awaiting your pollen substitute order to arrive. Pick up at my place.  Call (301) 997-8512 or email

Please check the Maryland State Beekeepers Association for county wide listings based on your locale.  Swarm Retrieval List – MARYLAND STATE BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (

Bees For Sale

From: Your Ad Here


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