The Association of Southern Maryland Beekeepers (ASMB) is a non-profit organization in Southern Maryland that offers support to beekeepers and education to the public about the mighty honeybee. Our mission is to assist beekeepers in our region with new skills and knowledge and to help them become the very best at the art of keeping bees. Our mission is to educate the public about honey bees, and their importance in our ecosystem. We achieve these goals through outreach, education, and volunteer opportunities throughout the community.

The Board of Directors 2024
Diane Wellons
Contact: asmbeekeepers@gmail.com
Diane has been keeping bees for 10 years. Is a graduate of the University of Montana Master Beekeepers Program. She stays busy these days with her animals and farm in
She is one of the admins for our Facebook group and an active lifetime member of our association. She enjoys riding her motorcycle, going on flights in her husbands' airplane and adventures that keep her outdoors.
Allen Craft
Honey bees have always fascinated me. Two years ago I borrowed a swarm trap, thinking I had some time to learn before I caught anything. I had bees in a week. I reached out to the ASMB and found a place to learn. A place I grew to belong. I have 16 colonies to date and enjoy spending time with my Bee Friends. From working in the hives to simple bee chats with friends, I enjoy all aspects of it.
I look forward to growing and the opportunity to help others with this fun hobby.
Joy Burroughs
Contact: asmbtreasurer@gmail.
Joy is an accountant by trade and recently fell in love with beekeeping and making products from the hives her husband and daughter started in 2022. It has turned into a family affair. She is excited to be able to utilize her accounting skills, attention for detail and meld that with her new love of the bees. Supporting fellow beekeepers and "beeing" a vital part of the ASMB greater beekeeping community.
Kara Buckmaster
Contact: asmbsecretary@gmail.com
Kara is a fourth year beekeeper and graduate student with a background in public administration and emergency management. She enjoys beekeeping as a way to disconnect and decompress from her work and studies. She also appreciates the educational aspect of the hobby and the opportunity to socialize with other "beeks" in the community.
Upcoming Events
Happy Keeping Friends!!
January Meeting-was a huge success. Thank you to all who joined us for the meeting and dinner- and more thanks to the folks who stepped up to volunteer their time and energy as executive committee members to make your association a success.
Joy Burroughs and Allen Craft have joined the team and Joe Myers and Monika Herdlick have stepped down. Thank you all for your service to the organization We appreciate you!
Next ASMB Meeting -Social Meeting Format-
​ March Meeting TBD, 2025
Spring Meet and Greet
Come join us for the business meeting and afterward members in good standing can stay for social opportunity to meet local beekeepers from around the region. Find a mentor or become one. We hope students from the graduating Beginner Beekeeper Short Course will join us. Your first-year membership is free with your tuition
to the class.
Please see your email for Newsletter with more information
Looking for some out of the way fun that involves beekeeping?
It is with great pleasure that on behalf of the Scandinavian beekeepers we can invite you to participate in the 49th APIMONDIA Congress in Copenhagen September 2025. We are eager to present you to our beekeeping, countries and culture.
The congress will be organized jointly by the beekeeper associations in Sweden, Norway and Denmark: Sveriges Biodlares Riksförbund, Norges Birøkterlag and Danmarks Biavlerforening.
There are so many things dividing us people in the world today - and there are so few precious things bringing us together. Beekeeping and our common love for the bees and their world is one of them. It is so important for us to create a space in Copenhagen where people can meet and create bonds and friendships for life.
In short, we want to make this congress for the bees, beekeepers, scientists, the industry and for the people from all over the world who care about bees and honey and beekeeping.
Our visions for the congress are:
Showcasing pure apiary products!
Unity and knowledge sharing.
Together, we make the world bloom.
We will work hard to obtain this and to give you a unique experience in Scandinavia.
We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen 2025.
Education-Coming 2025
ASMB in conjunction with the College of Southern Maryland
Beginner Beekeeper Short Course from 9amto 12 noon
All three Saturday's are filled with information that will help you on your beekeeping journey.
Saturday February 8th
Saturday February 15th
Saturday February 22th
CSM La Plata Campus- See winter catalog Beekeeping - CSM Continuing Education for more detail.
What's Buzzin'?
Seasons Change.....
​Winter WOW!!
Most of us beekeepers at this point in the season feel like it is time to take a break and a breather. The bees are buttoned up for the winter. We've treated and managed emergency feed rations. We've babied and coddled them all season to get them to this point. Now it's time to take a break and rest a bit, right? Wait just a minute...don't get too cozy in your favorite bee jammies just yet. There really is no time like the present to decide what to do with and plan for the Spring bees you will have, coming out of winter.
First, I want to revisit what I did right, so I can repeat it next season. Plus, I'll need to take a good look at what I might have done wrong. What colonies failed, what actions did I take on their behalf that helped or hindered? What could I have done differently? Learning and growing with your bees is the goal, so I need to know how to improve by really taking a hard look at my own practices to see how they worked-or didn't. Make adjustments. Learn what I can do to change the outcomes for next season. Do the work it will take to grow and succeed.
Bee math is a lot like chicken math...They will just keep multiplying in the yard if I'm doing my job well. If I went in with two hives, I plan to come out with bare bones minimum of 1. (Overwinter losses nationally are 50%)- by these measures, I'll definitely have bees. Do I want more? Maybe I need to get my phone a friend on speed-dial. Plan to call them early in the season and ask them to come help you split and take away the potential "swarm" before it swarms.
Maybe you have a friend ready to begin their beekeeping journey, share your bees with them (or sell them.) Maybe your goal is to multiply and grow.
If you've fed and treated for mites and fed some more and done your work to boost them during the season, likely your numbers will be good. We manage a 12-15% overwinter loss rate annually. So, do I have enough equipment in good working order to house splits from overwinter colonies? I believe slightly more than double is my need. Plus, add frames, bottom boards, tops and inner covers, building and painting all of that equipment. Do I have enough hive stand space?
My point is, there are lots of preparations you can do in the winter. Ask for beekeeping equipment for Christmas, take a trip to a conference- ABF is coming up in January, get a friend and go learn and have fun. Or simply get to building and painting. Take this opportunity for respite to prepare.
I find myself longing for days in the yard with my friends and my bees. Happiness for me is sunshine and fresh air and friends to play with. I'm still very much a kid a heart, and so much happier for it. It has been a fun filled crazy beekeeping season. I look forward to the winter slow down. I hope for you all the most wonderful of holiday seasons. Like me, I hope you will be dreaming about bees.
Happy Keeping Friends!
P.S. Double check your dues to make sure you are paid up--you can do this here on our site at the "Join our Hive" tab.
We will look forward to seeing everyone at the January meeting to help with voting in and welcoming of new board members and preparing for the beginner beekeeping short course.
Excellent Tools for Varroa Management
Concerned about varroa destructor? Want to know what to do and when? Then take a look at this link to the honey bee health coalition and use their varroa management tool. Varroa Management Decision Tool
Go to the RESOURCE CORNER page for more beekeeping information
Congratulations to Diane --Have fun learning at the American Beekeeping Federation Conference in Reno come January.
Special thanks to the One Hive Foundation for their philanthropic work to help promote opportunities for beekeepers, education, collaboration and inclusivity around the country.
Some of our outreach: ASMB Beginning beekeepers short course with the College of Southern Maryland
Earth Day in Leonardtown and
Earth Day at Summerseat Farm
Chesapeake Natives Flower Sale
Annmarie Sculpture Garden Solomons Island Insectival
Charles County Fair
St. Mary's County Fair
Calvert County fair
State Fair Honey Booth
Sunflower festival-Farm Heritage Conservancy
POP up educational opportunities at schools, scout meetings, etc.

Get in Touch
To contact us, set up a meeting or inquire about an upcoming event, fill out the form and we’ll get right back to you.